Monday, July 16, 2007

Using Google Calendar (Report 3)

Wow- this is a pretty cool resource. I happen to be completely obsessed with my calendar because there's always so much going on. Also, if I don't write it down, I will forget. So Google Calendar is a great tool for me! You need time to explore the site, but here are some things I discovered it will do. You can add it to your toolbar, and edit the settings to make it personalized. You can share it or keep it private. There are a variety of views- day, week, next 4 days, month, and agenda. You're able to type in individual data, or set up daily, weekly, or monthly events. There is a public calendar search which allows you to find and place sporting events, TV shows, and much more! It even tells the episode name, summary, and if it's new or a repeat TV episode. You're able to go ahead and/or back into previous months. When you enter events, you can add details and pop-up reminders. You can add holidays, weather, and send to your mobile phone. The possibilities are endless! I see the benefit also in this being online. So wherever you are, as long as you have Internet access, you're good to go!

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